

Police arrest two rhino poachers

  • बिहीबार १४ मंसिर २०८० ०३:०५ PM

Chitwan, Nov 30: Police have made public two persons who have been accused of killing two rhinos amid a press conference here...


16-day Campaign against VAW– 80 per cent of GBV includes domestic violence

आइतबार​ १० मंसिर २०८० ०५:१९ PM

Kathmandu, Nov 26: Of the gender-based violence recorded in the country, 80 per cent are found to be domestic violence. According to the Nepal...


Youth in Jhapa arrested on charge of cyber crime

शुक्रबार​ १ मंसिर २०८० ०२:२० PM

  Damak (Jhapa), Nov 17: Police have arrested a youth from Kamal rural municipality-1 of Jhapa district on the charge of misus...


Poachers kill two rhinos in CNP

शुक्रबार​ १ मंसिर २०८० १२:३१ PM

  Chitwan, Nov 17: Two rhinos have been killed by poachers in the Chitwan National Park. Two female rhinos were found dead wit...


17 people arrested in Kathmandu on charge of gambling

मङ्गलबार २८ कात्तिक २०८० ०२:३९ PM

  Kathmandu, Nov 14: Police have arrested 17 people from Swoyambhu and Sankhu on the charge of gambling. A team mobi...


CIB urges depositors to lodge complaints

बिहीबार २३ कात्तिक २०८० १२:५१ PM

  Kathmandu, Nov 9: Nepal Police Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) has urged the depositors whose money was allegedly embezzl...


Police open fire to catch two narcotics drug dealers

बुधबार १५ कात्तिक २०८० ०४:२९ PM

Kathmandu, Nov 1: A squad from the Kathmandu Valley Crime Investigation Office (KVCIO) has arrested two persons dealing in narcotics drugs.


Passenger arrested with amount with unknown sources from TIA

मङ्गलबार ३० असोज २०८० ०५:२६ PM

Kathmandu, Oct 17: Police have arrested an Indian national of Chinese origin along with large amount from Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA...


Venezuelan migrants pay for passage to Trinidad with sex work

शुक्रबार​ १२ असोज २०८० ०२:०५ PM

- In a dingy, dimly lit brothel, Maria explains how she left her young child behind in crisis-hobbled Venezuela to work as a prostitute in Trinidad a...