

Dengue cases found in 57 districts

शुक्रबार​ ११ जेठ २०८१ १०:२५ PM

Kathmandu, May 24: With the start of rainfall, cases of dengue have started increasing. Fifty-seven districts have now recorded dengue infection.


International conference on Ayurveda in Janakpur

बिहीबार २३ कात्तिक २०८० १२:४४ PM

  Janakpurdham, Nov 9: A three-day International Ayurveda Conference kicked off in Janakpurdham of Dhanusha. Inaugurating the...


Nepal Orthopedic Hospital celebrates Silver Jubilee

आइतबार​ १९ कात्तिक २०८० ०२:३९ PM

  Kathmandu, Nov 5: House of Representatives (HoR) member and Finance Committee President, Santosh Chalise has insisted on the...


KAHS, Sunway Medical Centre sign MoU for collaboration

बुधबार १५ कात्तिक २०८० ०४:०७ PM

  Karnali, Nov 1: Karnali Academy of Health Sciences, Jumla and the Sunway Medical Centre of Malaysia have en...


World Stroke Day, 2023 being observed today

आइतबार​ १२ कात्तिक २०८० ११:४२ AM

  Kathmandu, Oct 29: The World Stroke Day, 2023 is being observed today in Nepal with various programmes. The slogan for the D...


Two infants die of hornet sting

मङ्गलबार २३ असोज २०८० ०१:५३ PM

  Jajarkot, Oct 10: Two infants died after being bit by hornets at Dhaune village in Kushe Rural Municipality-1, Jajarkot....


KMC to examine health of goats

शनिबार २० असोज २०८० ०३:५३ PM

  Kathmandu, Oct 7: The Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) is going to examine the health of goats to be sold in the capital fo...


Japan extends grant to improve Dhulikhel Hospital Trauma and Emergency Centre

बिहीबार १८ असोज २०८० ०३:३४ PM

Kathmandu, Oct 5: The Government of Nepal and the Government of Japan today signed agreement for utilizing the grant assistance of JPY 3,296 m...