Bada Dashain begins in Taleju Bhawani temple in Bhaktapur


    Kathmandu, Oct 21: Bada Dashain has ritually begun in the Taleju Bhawani temple in Bhaktapur on Saptami, the seventh day of Dashain festival.

    On the auspicious time of 8:24 am today, the idol of Taleju Bhawani has been taken into the Dashain Ghar from the Main Ghar after placing it in the main chowk, it has been said. Altogether 19 people clad in special types of red and white coloured cloths including shawls, and donning ornaments made from gemstones with swords and other religious weapons in their hands in a queue carried and took the statue to the Dashain Ghar. The group of people included Narendra Prasad Joshi, the main priest of Taleju Bhawani, as a royal representative, and other priests. A special type of musical instruments were played in the process.

    There is a tradition that Taleju Bhawani will be worshipped in the Dashain Ghar From today until Bijaya Dashami, the main day of Dashain festival. The idol of Taleju deities will be taken to the Main Ghar from the Dashain Ghar on the day of Bijaya Dashami amid a triumphal procession, said the main priest Joshi. Generally, 54 billy goats, 32 bulls and 32 ducks are sacrificed in the temple on Fulpati, Astami and Nawami.

    Others present on the occasion were chiefs of government offices and general people. Due to the belief that worshiping at the temple on Fulpati today brings blessings, general people crowded and watched the procession of taking the statue into the Dashain Ghar. After taking the statue into the Dashain Ghar, the main priest Joshi offered prasad to the devotees.

    शनिबार ४ कात्तिक २०८० ०६:३४ PM मा प्रकाशित
