


Ukraine hosts a defense industry forum seeking to ramp up weapons production for the war

शनिबार १३ असोज २०८० ०३:५६ PM

(AP) - Ukraine hosted an international defense industry conference as part of a government effort to ramp up weapons production within the cou...


Second round of Fukushima wastewater release to start next week

शुक्रबार​ १२ असोज २०८० ०२:२४ PM

  - Japan will begin releasing a second batch of wastewater from the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant from next week, its oper...


China's gateway to North Korea waits in vain for border opening

शुक्रबार​ १२ असोज २०८० ०२:२० PM

  -Stranded North Korean workers and merchants who rely on cross-border trade see scant signs that the frontier with China wil...


19th Asian Games: Nepal remains without medal so far

शुक्रबार​ १२ असोज २०८० ०१:५३ PM

Hangzhou (China), Sept 29: In the ongoing Asia Games, a total of 610 medals were distributed to the players till Thursday. China has led the medal tal...


China says offered help in release of US soldier from N. Korea

बिहीबार ११ असोज २०८० ०४:२३ PM

  (AFP) - China said Thursday it had offered "humanitarian" assistance in the recent release of a US soldier from ca...


UN calls for humanitarian aid to flood-hit east Libya

बिहीबार ११ असोज २०८० १२:३३ PM

  TRIPOLI, Sept. 28 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) on Wednesday highlighted the humanitaria...


China says premier will lead its G20 delegation, not president Xi

सोमबार १८ भदौ २०८० ०५:१८ PM

  - Premier Li Qiang will lead China's delegation to the G20 summit in India this weekend, Beijing said Monday, all but co...


चट्याङ लागेर दश जनाको मृत्यु

आइतबार​ १७ भदौ २०८० ०४:४४ PM

उडिसाका छ वटा जिल्लामा शनिबार चट्याङ लागेर दश जनाको मृत्युभएको छभने अन्य तीन जना घाइते भएका छन् ।  राज्यको जगतसिंहपुर, ढेनकनाल, अङ्गुल र बौद्ध...